Sunday, January 31, 2010

Suggestions For Items To Get For The New Puppy

In the beginning regular sized feeding dishes and water bowls are easy to find at your local pet store or retail store. Keep in mind when you make these purchases Saint Bernard puppies grow very quickly, so smaller sized dishes will have to be replaced with bigger ones. In other words, don't spend a lot of money on these smaller dishes; spend more money on the larger dishes once they are grown. Dog collars same thing, buy ones that are adjustable, so they can be enlarged as your puppy grows. It is a good idea to get a name tag with your puppy's name, address, phone numbers (home, work, cell). Most loose dogs I have encountered do not have a name tag; make sure your puppy has one. I recommend a sturdy leash about four foot in length. I know a lot of people use those adjustable length ones, not a good idea. Often times these are the same individuals you see being pulled down the sidewalk, with their pet several feet ahead. Keep in mind that your full grown Saint Bernard could weigh anywhere from 140 pounds to close to 200 pounds, dependent upon their sex, and body frame. Do you really want them pulling that far ahead of you?

It is a good idea to pick up a scooper for feces clean up. Most pet stores carry this item. I recommend purchasing the largest one they carry right from the start. It is a good idea to have a garbage can with a plastic bag liner to put the feces in. This will be a stinky receptable. I have found that the odor can be kept manageable by putting baking soda in it. Another useful aid is bedding litter with cedar chips; this probably does a better job than the baking soda with managing the odor. Pick up after your puppy and adult dog, you want to keep their environment and ours clean and healthy.

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