Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dogs In The Miscellaneous Class

The Cirneco dell'Etna is a hunting dog with slender elegant build.  This hunter works by scent, sight, and hearing.  This breed has been present in Sicily for 2500 years; it shares a common ancestor with the Pharaoah Hound.  The Cirneco dell'Etna has been assigned to the Hound Group. 

Cirneco dell"Etna

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Dogs In The Miscellaneous Class

The Boerboel is a large dog with a muscular build and a blocky head; part of the mastiff-type breeds.  Boerboel means farm dog.  The Boerboel has been assigned to the Working Group.  This breed is from South Africa; dating back to the mid 1600's. 

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dogs In The Miscellaneous Class

The Berger Picard is an active and athletic, medium-sized herding dog.  This breed has a shaggy, wiry topcoat with a short dense undercoat.  The Berger Picard dates back to the 9th century.  The Berger Picard has been assigned to the Herding Group. 

Berger Picard
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dogs In The Miscellaneous Class

The Bergamasco is a sheepdog.  They have a unique coat; it contains "dog hair," "goat hair," and "wool;"  the three together form a mat coat.  The Bergamasco will become part of the Herding Group. 

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dogs In The Miscellaneous Class

The Belgian Laekenois is one of the four native dogs of Belgium.  The breed's coat is rough and coarse; it gives the appearance of being tousled.  Their original job was to serve as guard and tend the flock; a side job was to guard linen drying in the fields.  The Belgian Laekenois will become part of the Herding Group.

Belgian Laekenois
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Dogs In The Miscellaneous Class

The Azawakh is tall, elegant, sighthound from West Africa.  This breed is often a companion dog to the Tuareg nomads of the sub-Sahelian desert. This breed is very loyal and affectionate to their family.  The Azawakh will be part of the Hound Group.

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Miscellaneous Class

The Miscellaneous Class consists of dog breeds waiting for full recognition by the American Kennel Club.  Part of the approval process is that an active national club for a breed exists, there must also be a nationwide activity level and interest in a breed.  Dog breeds in the Miscellaneous Class can compete in dog shows where they can earn performance and companion event titles; and they can also compete in Junior Showmanship.  Hope you enjoy learning more about some of the breeds currently in the Miscellaneous Class.

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Seresto Flea And Tick Collar

Well there are only a few weeks left of summer and the kids will soon be returning to school.  I began using the Seresto Flea and Tick collars for my dogs before summer began.  The collars seem to be working on my three Saint Bernards; there have been no side effects from the collars either.  These collars are supposed to last eight months; so far so good.  I will update later on how long the collars actually last.  I also received my two rebates from Bayer for two of the four collars I purchased; the rebates were processed very quickly.  The only complaint I have on the collars so far is the size; the large collar is not big enough for adult male Saint Bernards.  The large size fits both of my female Saints; however I had to buy two to go around my adult male's neck.  The two collars hook into together just fine giving my male Saint Bernard a custom fit with room. I am glad I found an alternative flea control product that is reasonably priced; if you are not happy with what you are currently using try something else. 

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Xoloitzcuintli is an ancient breed native to Mexico.  It comes in three sizes, toy, miniature, and standard and two varieties hairless and coated.  Did you know that the Xoloitzcuintli is considered to be the first dog of the Americas?  Their name is Aztec in origin and means dog.  The Xoloitzcuintli was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2011.

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Tibetan Terrier is built for the extreme climate and difficult terrain of Tibet.  The Tibetan Terrier has large, flat, round feet acting like a snowshoe and providing them great traction in heavy snow.  The Tibetan Terrier is not a Terrier; but was called that because of their size.  The breed originated in the Lost Valley (the Lost Valley is an area in Tibet where an earthquake occurred and the access road to the valley was blocked) where is was viewed as "Luck Bringers" or "Holy Dogs."  The Tibetan Terrier was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1973.

Tibetan Terrier
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dogs In the Non-Sporting Group

The Tibetan Spaniel is a native Tibetan breed.  This is an ancient breed dating back to 1100 B.C.  They have served as companions to the Tibetan Monks; they were often called "little Lions."  The Tibetan Spaniel is very intelligent; they also have a very close bonds with their owners and thrive with constant companionship.  The Tibetan Spaniel was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1983.

Tibetan Spaniel
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Shiba Inu is the smallest of the three dogs breeds native to Japan.  Their coat colors range from black and tan, to red and red sesame.  The Shiba Inu was developed for hunting in the dense undergrowth of the mountainous regions of Japan.  Did you know the Shiba Inu is the number one companion dog in Japan?  The American Kennel Club recognized the Shiba Inu in 1992.

Shiba Inu
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Schipperke has a mischievous expression and a distinctive black coat that stands out from their body and is harsh to the touch.  The breed originated in the Flemish regions of Belgium.  The Schipperke is believed to have developed from the black sheepdog known as Leauvenaar.  They are great watchdogs and in the past worked on barges as ratters.  Did you know that the first specialty show for a breed was for Schipperke's held in 1690?  The Schipperke was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1904.

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Poodle is very smart and does very well in obedience training.  The Poodle comes in three varieties; Standard, Miniature, and Toy.  The breed originated in Germany and was a water retriever.  The well-known Poodle clip came from the hunters who owned them; this unique clip allowed the Poodle to maneuver more efficiently in the water.  The Poodle was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1887.

Standard Poodle
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Norwegian Lundehund is a Spitz breed with several unique characteristics whose combination is not found in other breeds.  They have six toes on each paw; prick ears that fold closed, forward, or backward at will; and the ability to tip their head back till it rests on their back.  Their coat colors range from fallow to reddish brown to tan; with white markings and black hair tips; and white with red or dark markings.  This breed originated in the remote islands of Norway.  The Norwegian Lundehund was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2011.

Norwegian Lundehund
Six Toes On Their Paws
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Lowchen means little lion in German.  This breed's trademark appearance is their coat is left natural and untrimmed on their forequarters; and clipped close to the skin on their hindquarters; cuffs of hair on all four legs; and their tail is clipped except for the base.  The Lowchen dates back to the 15th century.  The American Kennel Club recognized the Lowchen 1996.

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Lhasa Apso is a small hardy breed; whose long beautiful coat parts down their back from head to tail.  The breed originated in the Himalayan Mountains several hundred years ago.  Originally the Lhasa Apso was a home sentinel guarding homes of Tibetan royalty and Buddhist monks.  The Lhasa Apso was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1935.

Lhasa Apso
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Keeshond has a fox-like expression, stand-off coat, and plumed tail that rests on their back.  Their coat colors range from a mixture of gray, black, and cream; distinctive spectacled markings around the eyes.  The breed originated in Holland; it was originally used on barges.  The Keeshond was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1930.

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dog In The Non-Sporting Group

The French Bulldog was originally bred as a companion and remains one to this day.  The French Bulldog has unique "bat" ears.  Their coat colors range from brindle, fawn, white, and brindle and white.  The French Bulldog is an indoor dog; they should be protected from heat (overheating is an issue with breeds that have a short nose.)  The American Kennel Club recognized the French Bulldog in 1898.

French Bulldog
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Finnish Spitz resembles a fox; their ears are erect, they have a dense double-coat, and a plumed bushy tail.  The Finnish Spitz is the National Dog of Finland.  They have a lustrous golden-red coat; ranging from pale honey to dark auburn.  The Finnish Spitz was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1991.

Finnish Spitz
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Dalmatian is a spotted breed; active, alert, intelligent, with great endurance and speed abilities.  Did you know the Dalmatian is the only and original coaching dog?  This refers to their natural instinct to follow and guard horse-drawn vehicles.  The Dalmatian puppy is born without spots; they begin to appear around two weeks of age.  The American Kennel Club recognized the Dalmatian in 1888.

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Chow Chow was originally a working dog but today serves as a companion.  This is an ancient breed from northern China.  Their coat colors range from red, black, blue, cinnamon, and cream; their coat can be smooth or rough.  As mentioned in yesterday's post, the Chow Chow has a blue-black tongue.  The Chow Chow was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1903.

Chow Chow
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Chinese Shar-Pei is easy to recognized with their body covered in wrinkles; they also have a very unique shaped head that resembles a hippopotamus.  Did you know that Shar-Pei means sandpaper coat?  The Chinese Shar-Pei has a blue-black tongue like the Chow Chow; these are the only two dog breeds with this characteristic.  This is an ancient breed dating back to 200 B.C.; originally this breed was an all-purpose farm dog.  The Chinese Shar-Pei was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1992.

Chinese Shar-Pei
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Bulldog is one of the most popular dog breeds; they have lovable and gentle dispositions and of course those wonderful wrinkles.  Their coat colors range from brindle, white, red, fallow, or piebald.  This breed is prone to overheating because of their short nose; so be sure to protect them from the heat.  The Bulldog had a very rough start; they were used to bait bulls.  The American Kennel Club recognized the Bulldog in 1886.

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Boston Terrier is an All-American dog; meaning that it was developed in the United States after the Civil War.  Their coat color is black with markings of brindle, seal, or white.  Did you know that this breed has the nickname, American Gentleman?  The Boston Terrier was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1893. 

Boston Terrier
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The Bichon Frise has a plumed tail that it carriers over its back; they also have a very inquisitive eyes.  This breed has a curled double-coat; with a textured outer coat and a silky undercoat.  The Bichon Frise first appeared in the 13th century and is a descendant of the Water Spaniel.  The American Kennel Club recognized the Bichon Frise in 1972.

Bichon Frise
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Dogs In The Non-Sporting Group

The American Eskimo Dog has a noteworthy bright white coat with erect triangular ears and black points(lips, nose, and eye rims.) Did you know that even though its names is American Eskimo Dog the breed has nothing to do with the Eskimo culture?  During the late 1800's, the American Eskimo Dog made its round at circuses performing tricks.  The American Kennel Club recognized the American Eskimo Dog in 1994.

American Eskimo Dog
 (Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Non-Sporting Group

The Non-Sporting Group is a very diverse group of dog breeds.  They are different sizes, with different coats, and they look different from one another.  Over the next several days we will take a look at the individual breeds that are part of the Non-Sporting Group. 

(provided by Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dogs In The Sporting Group

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon will go into the briars and underbrush without hesitation.  Their coarse double coat protects them from briars and underbrush. They may have unkempt appearance, but that face will always bring a smile to your face.  The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1887.

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Dogs In The Sporting Group

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a hunter, water dog, and retriever; with an excellent nose and slightly webbed feet.  Did you know that history shows this breed dates back to 7000 B.C.?  The Welsh Springer Spaniel has a distinctive coat color of a striking red and white.  The American Kennel Club recognized the Welsh Springer Spaniel in 1914.

Welsh Springer Spaniel
(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dogs In The Sporting Group

The Weimaraner is often called the "grey ghost."  The Weimaraner was bred for speed, scenting ability, courage, and intelligence.  The breed originated in Germany and it believed they are descended from bloodhounds.  The Weimaraner was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1943.

(Brandykegs Saint Bernards)