Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Loud Noises

Is your dog frightened by loud noises?  Motorcycles, fireworks, thunderstorms are just a small sample of things that can frighten your dog.  To help your dog overcome these fears; you must work on each problem area separately.  Make a recording of the frightening sound; this way you can adjust the volume of the sound.  Slowly introduce the sound at a very low level; you don't want to startle them. Gradually increase the volume, take it slow, allow your dog to adjust to the sound.  Create a pleasant distraction while you are introducing the frightening sound. Use plenty of praise when you see any signs of improvement with the scary sound.  Work on the problem at least once a day for a brief period of time, try to increase the noise level with each new session. Your goal is to eliminate their fear with the sound as close to the real thing as possible.  When you achieve success then you should try exposing them to the real thing.  Be sure you have your dog on a leash, keep them safe while exposing them to loud noises that have frightened them.  You should be relaxed during all these training sessions; your dog will pick up on your tension and that will not help them overcome their fear.  Be patient, provide a calm environment when introducing the sounds, give them plenty of praise for their successes.

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